Saturday, August 28, 2010


So ive officially decided what i want to do with my life. I'm gonna be an entertainment lawyer if my singing career doesnt take off. If I'm not gonna be in the spotlight i would absolutely love to be behind the scenes:) And i also have decided to teach myself how to play the piano. And work on my songwriting skills. I have decided this because some record deals wanna see what type of money u can bring in vs. The money they spend on u. I kno that its gonna be some hard work but its worth it in the end. I've been thinking about what i would do about school if i did make it? I would have to like have a tutor or dont tour during the school yr. And whatever college im going to at the time we would record in that state. Im not ever gonna give up school because i need a back up plan cuz in the music industry pay isnt always guarenteed. So when i finish school i will be my own entertainment lawyer. This is the beginning of the rest of my life. The rest of my life is gonna be epic!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


All hope is not lost after all. As some know I love to sing and I decided to take that hobbie and at least attempt to make it a proffession. I will be going to the Apollo Theater in october to audition for amatuer nite. I'm pretty confident. I have picked out a song and everything. I hope to one day make it in the big leauges. I decided to Renovate the blog into a whole new theme,scheme if u will. I'm gonna find a focus in my posts. Which is my singing career.

Peace and Love,
(Now Known As) LIA

Monday, August 2, 2010


So today I was on facebook and I was just lookin @ posts of random stars. So I usually just look @ the discussions that people have about them and see what they have to say. Just for the heck of it I looked up Justin Bieber so I'm looking at the titles of the discussion and guess what I saw. Tons haterz just yapping away. Lieing about nude photos and cellphone numbers and all types of crazy stuff. So as u kno when ur famous enough people start to call u gay. First of all he's not gay. Second of all his sexual preference doesn't have to do with the music that he makes. So y does it matter so much? So many people hate so much that try to tear people down. What I wanna kno is y? Is it jealousy? People have so much to say about others just took make themselves look good in comparison. But in actuality it shows how ugly they r inside. Nobodys perfect we all should no that. The only person that opnions matter about u is urself. Tabloids have feildays when people gain or loose weight or come out of the closet,or has a baby. They say things that can ruin peoples carrers and lives. Some of the things they say people can never live down. They toy around with words and pics to make people look bad. So for all those tabloids,gossip blogs,mean facebook and myspace owners write this down and see if u can twist these words up "HATERZ WE LOVE U"

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Notebooks for Haiti

So you know how school is right around the corner ? Well You also know how halfway through the year your notebook is mangled with names and logos any silly pictures. Well I figured out a way for me to help the Haiti effort and do a little less manglin' and a little mor stylin'. I can decorate Notebooks that the kids bring to me and whatever they like I put on there. The money that I make goes to the Haiti effort and some to buy more supplies to continue it. I figured out the perfect name for this new found organization NOTEBOOKS FOR HAITI. It feels good to know that somewhere in the world someone is taken care of because of you. I couldn't imagine how bad this is for them. I just want to lighten the burden. I want to have a chance to make a difference in someone elses life. The money that I hope to make goes towards clothes,food,and water for those who don't have that to their disposal. I hope with NOTEBOOKS FOR HAITI many people can be blessed with the things we need just like ourselves.

Bieber fever

So I was talking to one of my friends about the Justin Bieber coming into town. I was kinda dissapointed that I couldn't go. She told me that she would bring me but if we could just get a ride. I had a ride for us and everything. Turns out she originally invited someone her mom picked for her and she really didn't wanna go with that her mom gave the ticket to the origanile person she invited already. Her mom said that she had to go with that person or no one at all.So now its official I'm not going but everyone else is. I still have Bieber fever but it will never be cured:(